Mad Shopping Spree!

We were starting to run out of supplies again, and our list of required building materials was growing, so it was time for another trip to Campbell River. However, no more dark drives over icy roads – we were going to stay in a motel this time, and enjoy our first showers since May!

So off we went with our huge shopping lists. It was our hope that we would be able to get enough groceries, prescriptions, and building supplies to keep us busy well into the new year. We really didn’t want to make another trip to Campbell River during the season of holiday madness!

I’m not much of a shopper, and the first day of our multi-day shopping excursion went by in a whirl. There was flooring for the cabin – vinyl locking planks in red cherry and maple, gutters and downspouts, something called “Blueskin” to solve a leak in the cabin, a big stainless steel kettle for the stove, batteries and a battery charging system for the cabin, 12 V lights, 20 gallons of kerosene, 6 boxes of groceries – the list was endless. The truck was full and we needed to make a second trip to get everything to the boat. However, we made a nice trip of it, and booked into the Above Tide Motel. On our way downtown for supper, we stopped at a second hand store and found a couple of treasures – a kerosene lamp and an old hand wringer for doing laundry. Then we treated ourselves to a fine meal and long hot showers in the motel. A very nice way to end a long day!

Back to Sayward we headed the next day, with a heavy load, but travelling during the daylight. We off-loaded everything onto the Moody Blue, and crashed. However, we treated ourselves to another luxury – we plugged the Moody Blue into power and had heat and light for the evening.

Next day, round two. Picked up more flooring and the rest of our battery system, plus a whole bunch of stuff we had forgotten to get on round one. Seems like the shopping never ends! Back again we went to the Moody Blue with yet another load to off-load. And it rained … a miserable southeast storm was passing through. However, the next morning, the weather was fine and we were able to head home. It felt so good to leave the city and get back to our little cabin in the woods.