

Once upon a time, long, long, ago, there was a Celtic band called Noctiluca.  Now, you might say, Noctiluca is not a Celtic name.  No, it is not.  Unfortunately, no one in the band spoke Gaelic.  Noctiluca was the best they could come up with.  One of the band members was an oceanographer, and Noctiluca, meaning “night lights” in Latin, is the name of a genus of microscopic phytoplankton that produce bioluminescence at night.  Go figure, eh?

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Ostara’s Path

Ostara’s Path

Today is the spring equinox, and we finally finished cutting a trail from the cabin up to the center of the property. This trail will allow us to access the old logging road that runs through the upper reaches of our land. Finally, we will be able to move around our property more easily and get to know our 50 acres better. We are calling this new trail Ostara’s Path.

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